Monday, June 16, 2008


I went to Disneyland with Shannon, Doug and the girls over the weekend and we had a blast. We were there for more than 12 hours! You gotta make the most of those park-hopper tickets! Peyton went on a kiddie-coaster four times, once with me and three times with Doug. We also went on Finding Nemo,the storybook boat ride, and all through Toon Town. The bigger kids (Doug and I included) went on Space Mountain (twice), the Matterhorn (which I took video of), and a host of other rides.

After we tired of Disneyland, we strolled across to California Adventure. We hit the Tower of Terror, where despite being excited when I walked in the door, I suffered a panic attack when I stepped on the stairs on my way up to the ride. Needless to say, I was ushered out the side door where I waited for the others to ride, TWICE. I recovered enough to ride California Screamin and I loved seeing the electric light parade. We were pretty wiped out the next day, so we spent the day at Monique and Ty's in Orange and then hit Bennihanas on our way home.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I finally made it back home in May to see family and friends. The weather was great, which I think I was responsible for, and it made the whole experience that much better! I was able to spend alot of time Kristen, Sean, and Addison. Kristen and I took Addy on several walks and to the pool for the first time!

Dad and I were able to go to Chitna for the day and see Julene and Danna, Khara and Dawsen, Uncle Steve and Aunt Vickie. Danna was having a little trouble with her banana, so I helped. Then Lily wanted to play fetch. She dropped a little, tiny stick in my lap and was so hilarious trying to get it back that I had to take video of it with my camera.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Up and Running!

Well, I've been in sunny Southern Cal for two weeks now and I am almost setteled in my new place. It's hard to concentrate on unpacking when you want to be outdoors and exploring in your free time. Work is going well, just one more week of training and we will be turned loose. It's exciting. I have been on the go since arriving; everything from the St. Patricks Day parade (Shannon met the mayor of San Diego) in Balboa Park to Torrey Pines State Park (I wasn't wearing enough sunblock and now I look like a tomato with eyebrows). Now that I'm wireless, I will be posting pics as I take them. Love to everyone!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

One Day To Go!

Only one more day until I leave for San Diego. My coworkers put together a very yummy going-away lunch today. Afterwards, Judy took my nameplate down and tossed in on my desk! I guess it's offical now.